Guilherme Bail


The specification of conventional appointments is a simple and broad convention used for the writing of commits messages. It offers a set of rules that make it easier to understand what to do.


Each commit in the repository concerns a fact that happened in the application. For this reason the act of committing is important to know about the past and the future of the application. Maintaining a standard for the team helps in organizing the team and prioritizing the next steps by the PO (Oroduct Owner), Tech Lead or whoever is performing this task. Maintaining a standard helps in creating tools to automate tasks, for example when creating an application CHANGELOG.


Bearing in mind that the team must follow a standard, there is the Conventional Commits, an international standard used by several repositories such as: Angular, Jenkins and Electron.

Below is the logic and details of how to follow the pattern.


<type> ([optional scope]): <description>


[optional footer (s)]



The scope can be added to inform which application layer this commit concerns.

Scope examples:


The Description contains a succinct message, following the pattern below:

Use of verbs in the present tense imperative. Ex: “change” and not “changed or” changes “

The first letter in lowercase

Do not use a period (.) At the end of the sentence


As in the Description, use of imperative language in the present: “change” and not “changed or” changes “.

The body must include what and why and not how.


The footer should contain information about Breaking Changes, add the reference to the ticket / issue that this commit is referencing.

If it is a Breaking Change, the line must begin with BREAKING CHANGE :, the message must begin with a space or a line break.

BREAKING CHANGE: lorem ipsum



lorem ipsum

For closing tickets automatically, the ticket needs to be referenced in the PR message using keywords, like:

Eg: resolves #1337


A solution to always keep the pattern to be followed is to create a file called .gitmessage with the contents of the subsection Structure in the same directory as the projects, on windows the default directory can be found below:


feat: database rollback

implement the database rollback in the service layer
using the default Microsoft's solution, the 

Resolves #1337
fix(service): request validation 

the field 'xpto' doesn't allow special characters
for any requests

BREAKING CHANGE: all requests will pass by the validation 
and will impact the clients
